Get started
Updating Madara

Updating Madara

In this section, we will guide you through the update process so that you can keep your Madara client up-to-date and continue to query the Starknet blockchain smoothly.

Depending on how you chose to launch your client, you can update it in the same way by choosing the appropriate category:

Low level Update

From source

Update code

First, navigate to your Madara project directory and fetch the latest changes from the Official Madara (opens in a new tab) repository. Or git checkout to your desired version.

cd <your-destination-path>
git pull origin main

Rebuild program

Then let's rebuild the program. You can choose between 3 different build modes:

  • Debug (fastest build mode, but lower performances, for testing purpose only)
cargo build
  • Release (the recommended build mode with production performances)
cargo build --release

Restart Madara

This command will restart the Madara client with a basic set of arguments which will continue the synchronization with Starknet mainnet automatically:

cargo run --release \
  --name Madara \
  --base-path /var/lib/madara \
  --network main \
  --l1-endpoint ${ETHEREUM_API_URL}

We recommend you to head up to the Configuration section to customize your node parameters.


If you don't have an L1 endpoint URL, we recommend you to head up to the Verification section to get one.

Mid level Update

This is the recommended way to easily update and run Madara; it only requires terminal access.

Using Docker

Pull latest Docker image

Ensure you have Docker installed and running. Then, pull the latest Madara Docker image.

docker pull madara:latest

Stop and remove old container

Stop and remove the existing Madara container to prevent conflicts.

docker stop madara
docker rm madara

Run updated Docker image

Run the updated Madara image with your desired parameters.

docker run -d \
  --name Madara
  -p 9944:9944 \
  -v /var/lib/madara:/var/lib/madara \
  madara:latest \
  --base-path /var/lib/Madara \
  --network main \
  --l1-endpoint ${ETHEREUM_API_URL}

This is a default configuration. For more information on possible configurations, please visit the Configuration section.


Make sure to change the volume -v of your container if you change the --base-path.

Check logs

docker logs -f madara

Now you can head up to the Metrics section to easily deploy a Grafana and Prometheus dashboard.

Using Docker Compose


Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine.

Pull latest Docker image

Navigate to the cloned Madara repository and pull the latest Docker image.

docker-compose pull

Restart the Container

Stop the current container and start the updated one.

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

Check Logs

You can view the logs of the running Madara service using the following command:

docker-compose logs -f madara

Now you can head up to the Metrics section to easily deploy a Grafana and Prometheus dashboard.

Now that you know how to update a Madara full node, you might want to set some parameters in order to customize it. Therefore, you can go to the following section: Configuration (opens in a new tab)