Get started
Installing Madara

Installing Madara

In this section, we will guide you through the build and run process so that you can run your own Madara client, and query the Starknet blockchain as smoothly as possible.

We want anyone to be able to launch a Madara full node, which is why we've divided this section into 3 difficulty levels:

Low level Installation

From source

Install dependencies

We first need to make sure you have everything needed to complete this tutorial.

rustrustc 1.74.0-nightlycurl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf sh

You can use this command to easily install all necessary dependencies:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s

Get code

Fetch the code from the Official Madara (opens in a new tab) repository in the folder of your choice.

cd <your-destination-path>
git clone .

Build program

Then let's build the dependencies. You can choose between 3 differents build modes:

  • Debug (fastest build mode, but lower performances, for testing purpose only)
cargo build
  • Release (the recomanded build mode with production performances)
cargo build --release

Run Madara

This command will start the Madara client with a basic set arguments which will begin the synchronization with Starknet mainnet automatically:

cargo run --release \
  --name Madara \
  --base-path /var/lib/madara \
  --network main \
  --l1-endpoint ${ETHEREUM_API_URL}

We recomand you to head up to the Configuration section to custom your node parameters


If you don't have an L1 endpoint url we recomand you to head up to the Verification section to get one

Mid level installation

This is the recomanded way to easily install and run Madara it only requires a terminal access.

Using Docker

Install Docker

MacOS: To install Docker on MacOS, follow these steps: 1. Visit the Docker Hub (opens in a new tab) and download Docker Desktop for Mac. 2. Open the downloaded .dmg file and drag the Docker icon to your Applications folder to begin the installation. 3. Once installed, launch Docker from your Applications folder. Docker will request your admin password to complete the setup. 4. After installation, you can open a terminal and run docker --version to verify that Docker has been installed successfully.

Run docker image

Once you have successfully installed Docker, you can now run Madara using the images available here: Madara-v0.1.0-nightly (opens in a new tab). You can replace the --rpc-port, --base-path with your desired parameters.


This is a default configuration. For more information on possible configurations, please visit the Configuration section.


Make sure to change the volume -v of your container if you change the --base-path.

docker run -d \
  --name Madara
  -p 9944:9944 \
  -v /var/lib/madara:/var/lib/madara \
  madara:latest \
  --base-path /var/lib/Madara \
  --network main \
  --l1-endpoint ${ETHEREUM_API_URL}

If you don't have an L1 endpoint url we recomand you to head up to the Verification section to get one

Check logs

docker logs -f madara

Now you can head up to the Metrics section to easily deploy a Grafana and Prometheus dashboard

Using Docker Compose


Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine. You can follow the installation instructions for Docker in the previous section.

Prepare the Environment

Ensure you have the necessary environment variable ETHEREUM_API_URL set. You can set this in your shell or in a .env file in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file:

export ETHEREUM_API_URL="your-ethereum-api-url"

Or create a .env file:


When running with sudo, environment variables set in the current session might not be carried over. You can pass the variable directly to sudo using the -E option to preserve the environment:


If you don't have an L1 endpoint url we recomand you to head up to the Verification section to get one

Build and Run the Container

Navigate to the cloned Madara repository containing your docker-compose.yml file and run the following command to build and start the Madara client:

docker-compose up -d

This command will build the Docker image and start the container in detached mode.

Check Logs

You can view the logs of the running Madara service using the following command:

docker-compose logs -f Madara

Now you can head up to the Metrics section to easily deploy a Grafana and Prometheus dashboard

Now that you know how to launch a Madara full node, you might want to set some parameters in order to customize it. Therefore, you can go to the following section: Configuration (opens in a new tab)